New Grappling Hook Version
Grappling Hook Version 1.03 is available, both demo and full-version.
When you are an owner of the full version, you can download the new version here.
Your savegames will be not affected by an update.
Changes Since Version 1.02:
- The bloom-shader will disable itself automatically, when it is not supported. That caused some crashes on old graphics cards in the past.
- The timer has a higher resolution.
- You can restart a level by pressing “4”.
- All important keys can be configured in the keys.cfg.
- After level-loading there is a 1 second pause.
- More resolutions are supported in windowed-mode.
- Fixed a crash-bug with “Disabled Sound” in Level 7.
- There is an option, that not the last checkpoint will be loaded on death, but the level will be restarted.
- Loading a checkpoint is only allowed, when the character is on ground.
- Fixed a small bug, when a mouse-keys was used for running.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Special thanks to Stephan and David!
I also want to thank Kim from BMT Mirco for the great support.
There are two new reviews:
“Grappling Hook [..] an incredible first person puzzler/platformer, a title that already is one of the best indie games released this year.
[..] the way it is right now – with short but challenging and intense levels, all smartly done, it’s perfect.
As a whole, Grappling Hook is an amazing product. It is lighting fast and very challenging, it manages to deliver some really smart puzzles and oblige you act quickly. Or die.”
Calin Ciabai – Unigamesity
“Grappling Hook is a fantastic first-person puzzler which is very much in the same light as Valve’s Portal.”
Mike Rose –
Thank you, Calin and Mike!
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